Thursday, October 20, 2005
Marina leaves behind her college sweetheart and loving husband Areehan (Bowo), two beautiful daughters and her family..
She was 8 weeks pregnant with their 3rd child. She fainted due to low glucose in her body and passed away on the way to the hospital. She was only 29. She was buried the following morning in Seremban.
It is with great sadness to see the heartfelt pain in everyone's faces, eyes and hearts at the hospital as her tiny white cloth wrapped body was carried into the metal casket taken out of the morgue into the van that was destined for her burial. One could almost see the shock on Bowo and everyone's faces as close friends trickled in to say their last goodbyes. Fragile life is. All that is left are happy memories.
Our sincere prayers go out to Marina's family and our dear friend Bowo.. May they have the strength to cope with their sudden loss of an angel, rejoice and realise that she is in a better place now beside Allah, always looking back at us in her sweet smiling ways.
We'll miss you Marina.. :)
Al Fatihah